
 About BeautyOrient / Disclaimer

Age: Mid 20's
Background: Asian/ fair-medium/ peach undertone complexion.
Skin type: Normal/ combination skin. Oily T-zone in warm weather.
Skin conditions/ irritations: None.

All products shown in this blog have been purchased with my own funds. Unless stated that a product has been sent to me for testing, I guarantee the reader that I have done my best to review the product with an honest unbiased opinion. The nature of this blog is beauty, and therefore I have found products to use that suit me and my skin type. I do not take any responsibility if a product was unsuitable for you or if you experienced any irritations. Always read the label and have caution with the ingredients listed. Just remember not every product has the same effect for everyone.

If you would like to send me products please check my contact details. Please allow a few weeks for true results, depending on the product which may require less time. That way I will be able to share to my readers a proper review.

 Copyright ©                                                                                                 

All original images and contents are a copyright of this blog and may not be downloaded or copied without my permission. I ask you kindly to put reference to my blog if you want to share any of my articles. I do not own or take credit for any outsourced images or contents and understand it is in the right of the owner. I will always state my references, sources and place the original links in my articles if they are not from beautyorient.

Thank you!